Fumiya Ohnishi

PhD Student | 👪x🤖


Takahashi Lab. Keio University

3-14-1, Hiyoshi

Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Japan

Hi everyone! I am a Ph.D. candidate under the supervision of Prof. Masaki Takahashi in the Department of System Design Engineering at Keio Univ.

My interests are mobile robot’s motion and considerate behavior.

By pursuing both human-caring and human-understandable robot behavior, I aim to realize a mobile robot that people and robots understand and considerate for each other, and that people can use safely and trust.

Therefore, I am conducting research to generate considerate motions by capturing human preferences and implicit rules from human activities, and mobile robot motions that make the robot’s intentions and future motions predictable and legible to humans.

Furthermore, by visiting actual sites and understanding their needs, I strive to conduct R&D that responds to the needs of the real world. The ultimate goal of my research is to develop and deliver robots that people want to use. Furthermore, I have a keen interest in open-source initiatives and aim to proactively release any code that can be made public.

My ultimate goal is to serve happiness to everyone through robotics!

